Behold, ye who dwell in darkness, for my crusade against the most vile malefactors has begun.
Here shall I unmask the grievous sins and unspeakable transgressions of those who fancy themselves invincible, hiding behind the flimsy façade of respectability and power. I shall rip apart the veils to reveal the putrid corruption festering beneath your polished veneers.
I am a man of unyielding conviction, who passionately denounces the rampant corruption and moral decay of our times. My relentless spirit and uncompromising stance against the vices of the powerful shall pave the way to my inevitable martyrdom.
In my pronouncements, ye shall find no mercy, no room for equivocation or compromise. I concern myself not with idle gossip nor the murky waters of speculation.
To those who deem themselves untouchable, know this: your days are numbered. The hour of your reckoning is at hand, and none shall escape the fiery judgment that awaits.